Y's Estem Court Chatan Ihei West ワイズエステムコート北谷伊平ウエスト

Facilities 備え付け設備について

Starter Kits / 消耗品

Please feel free to use the starter kits provided,
we will not restock this supply once it is gone.


Internet / インターネット

Wi-Fi and wired access are available.


Spices / 調味料

Please purchase on your own.


Extra Linen / リネン類の追加

Fee applies.


Housekeeping / 清掃サービス

Fee applies.
11,000 yen for 3 hours, changing bed is included.
Please make a reservation 2 days in advance.
*However, we may not be able to meet your request during the busy season.

1回 11,000 円 (3時間、リネンの交換を含む)。

Conditions for Use of Facility 施設ご利用にあたっての注意事項

AC / エアコン

Please turn off Air Conditioning units and other electronics when leaving your apartment. Please note that we will give a cautionary advice if excessive use is recognized.


Damages / 破損

If the room or equipment is damaged, we will charge a separate repair fee. For more information, please refer to the following; "Reporting Process for Broken or Damaged Items".

お部屋や備品を破損してしまった場合は、修理代を別途ご請求させていただきます。詳しくは、後述の「備品破損時の対応方法」について をご参照ください。

Equipments & Towels / 備品やタオル類

Please do not take home appliances, towels and other furnished supplies.


Lost Keys / 鍵の紛失

Replacing lost or stolen keys can be very expensive, so please be sure not to lose the keys.


Checkout Cleaning / 退去時清掃

Upon checkout, if your room is too dirty and needs to be cleaned more than normal, you may be charged an additional cleaning fee.


Non-Smoking / 室内禁煙について

Smoking is prohibited in the room.
If you smoke in your room and the smell remains, we will separately charge you for the deodorizing cost of the room, so please cooperate so that you will not smoke indoors...


Pets / ペット

Having pets inside the room is basically prohibited. However, there is a case that a specific room allows pets. Please ask for details on an individual room.


Noise / 騒音

Please refrain from making noise or disturbing residents in the neighborhood.


Furniture / 家具の移動

If you move any furniture, please be sure to put it back the way it was when you first moved in.


Consumables / 消耗品や電池

If you run out of consumables or batteries during your stay, please replace them yourself.


Things brought in / 持ち込みされた物

Be sure to take with you any electronics or appliances you purchased yourself.
*If for some reasons you cannot, please make sure to let us know.


Trash Disposal / ゴミ出し

Sort out your trash and take out using a transparent plastic bag.

Windy days / 強風時の扉の開閉

Please be cautious when opening and closing doors in strong winds. If you leave your apartment with the living room window open and then open the front door the air pressure will force the doors inside to close very fast and may cause damage to the doors. Please keep your windows closed when leaving your apartment. Be especially careful on windy days and high floors.


Condensation / 結露

If you set your room temperature very low and open the windows or doors for a while, this will cause condensation in your room due to the difference in indoor and outdoor temperatures. Any damages caused to electronics due to condensation will be charged directly to you. Please use caution when leaving windows and doors open.


When Moving Out ご退居時

CheckOut Time / ご退去確認時間

09:00 - 17:00
Contact the agent that assisted you when moving in or the main office 2 days prior to your expected move out date. If you would like to move out outside of the hours above, please contact us. Moving out outside of our business hours above (maximum 3 hours) will cost additional 3,000 JPY.
Our staff will come to your room 10 minutes before your moving out time.
The process will be complete after a thorough check of the room and all of the appliances, and return of the key. Please be advised that if any damages are found after you have moved out we may bill you to fix or return the apartment to the way it was before you moved in.

ご連絡をいただいた時間の10分前に担当スタッフがお部屋に伺います。お部屋・備品のチェックを行い、鍵をご返却いただいて、退居手続き完了です。ご退室後に、備品やお部屋に損傷などが見つかった場合、後日修理代金実費分をご請求差し上げることもございますので、あらかじめご了承ください。(破損や故障がある場合は、退居確認時にお知らせください )

Empty Refrigerator & Trash Disposal / 退去前の冷蔵庫内、ゴミの処理

Please empty the refrigerator and dispose of all the garbage in the specified manners before you check out.


Reporting Process for Broken or Damaged Items 備品破損時の対応方法

Dishes and Kitchen Items / 食器・用品類を破損してしまった場合

Please purchase the same items. If you cannot purchase the same items during your stay, please let the staff know. We will charge according to our rules.

*Upon re-purchasing above items, managing fee will be charged (if unable to re-purchase those items during your stay).
*In some cases some items may not fall under the above categories, please contact us for details.


※別途、手数料 1,000 円を申し受けます(ご滞在中の買換えができなかった場合)。

Sofa or Mattress Stains / 布団やソファー等を汚損した場合

First, contact us. We will arrange to get it cleaned. If you inform us upon moving out we will charge accordingly.


Broken or Damaged Furniture or Appliances / 家具・家電を破損した場合

Please contact us immediately. We will replace it for you. You will be charged a repair fee or replacement fee upon moving out.


Typhoon Information 台風に関して

In Okinawa the typhoon season is from July through October. If you have anything on your balcony and it causes damage to the facility, surrounding areas or bodily harm to others, Okinawa Long Stay cannot take any responsibility. You will be held responsible for any charges incurred from damages. Please be careful.

1. If a typhoon approaches, please be sure to bring in any outside items including chairs, tables and sandals. For tenants with a 24hr ventilation system, please turn off the system and close vents to prevent water from coming in.

2. Typhoons may arise suddenly, if you plan to leave your apartment for a few days please be sure to bring in all of your balcony items before leaving.

3. If a power outage occurs, we cannot provide you with a free unit elsewhere (We can provide a vacant room for a cost).


台風が近づいている時には、バルコニーにある椅子やテーブル、サンダル等 をお部屋の中にしまっていただきますようご協力をお願いいたします。24時間換気システムが設置されている住居は、雨水の浸水を防ぐためにシス テムを停止し吸気口をお閉めください。塩害防止のため、玄関扉のシリンダーを塞ぐようご協力をお願いいたします。



Please ask Okinawa LongStay
for any questions.

